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Videospieltechnologie als Unterstützung bei der Rekonstruktion historischer Artefakte - Bsp germanisches Kettenhemd

Verfasst: 15. Okt 2021, 12:33
von Aratirion ... kettenhemd

Spannende Nutzung moderner Technologie (hier insb. einer Engine und weiterer tools, die sonst in der Videospielbranche verwendet werden*) für die Rekonstruktion eines spätantiken, germanischen Kettenpanzers. Der konkrete Mehrwert bestand hier insbesondere darin, die dynamischen Eigenschaften zu simulieren. Stelle mir das, insb. in punkto experimenteller Archäologie und Militärhistorie, sehr spannend vor. Wenn es gelingt, die entsprechenden Parameter historisch fundiert zu bestimmen, kann man so viele gute Experimente mittels "digital twin" durchführen. Nothing beats reality though, klar.

*Clo3D, Unreal Engine, Blender, Range and PicPick.

Hier zum Originalartikel: ... 7421000546

"Virtual reality opens new ways for reconstructing, preserving and exhibiting clothing and textiles. This applies particularly to those from an archaeological context, which can be incomplete, damaged or fragile. Despite the possibilities of computer technology, such as computer graphics (CG) and computer-aided design (CAD), its potential has only been superficially explored. This article showcases its possibilities by focussing upon the equipment of a Germanic warrior from the 2nd–4th century AD. His panoply consists of trousers, a tunic, shoes, a mail coat, an under-armour garment and a belt. CG and CAD tools, such as stress analysis and strain analysis, were applied to visualize and examine the behaviour of his equipment. The military clothing of the Germanic warrior proves very functional in terms of physics, materials science, anatomy and biomechanics. In other words, his clothing and armour result very suitable for warfare. This case study demonstrates that digital reconstructions can be more than scientific visualisation, but also a new and powerful research tool, generating new insights into archaeological artefacts."